Boy Scouts of America TROOP 43
Sea Cliff, NY

ICE CREAM & GAME NIGHT!!! (Click Picture)
Thurs, Sept 8th, 2022 & Thurs, Sept 15, 2022
Harriman Backpacking Trip

On October 26th & 27th , Boy Scout Troop 43 of Sea Cliff NY, went on a backpacking excursion to Harriman State Park. With their packs loaded with the equipment they would need to survive the weekend 1½ miles into the mountains, they set off away from civilization. The Scouts were greeted with the beautiful sights of the outdoors, brilliant colors on the trees, birds chirping, a cool breeze flowing through the air and a beautiful lake alongside the trail.
Lead by map and compass, the Scouts hiked on the Long Trail to the Stockbridge Shelter, which is perched atop a 1200 foot high mountain. After setting up camp, the Scouts hiked over to an area where they were able to explore many caverns and narrow pathways through a large rock formation. In the rock formation was a cool cave shelter fitted with its own small fireplace and chimney, which has housed many campers during their stay at Harriman.
Later that afternoon the Scouts prepared their dinner, which for many was their first time eating freeze dried food. Freeze dried food is a full, dehydrated, meal that comes in a small light package perfect for backpacking. With their stomachs full and warm, stories of past camping trips, jokes and a game of name that State Capital took place around the campfire. Nestled away in their tents and mummy sleeping bags, everyone hit the sack and went to sleep.
The Scouts awoke to a magnificent sunrise, which urged the Scouts out of their tents. Everyone broke down camp, packed their packs, prepared their breakfast meals and fueled up for the hike back down the mountain to where it all started.
Our next trip in November is a rock climbing and camping adventure in the New Paltz area.