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Check upcoming scouting events, troop activities and camping trips!


Welcome Back Troop 43 for

the 2020 - 2021 Scout Year!

Court of Honor Friday, October 23, 2020

First Troop Meeting @ Welwyn Preserve

Welwyn Preserve1.jpg

Philmont Scout Ranch 2021

Troop 43 awarded a slot at Philmont Scout Ranch for August 2021  


Troop 43 Annual Holiday Wreath Fundraiser!

We appreciate your support...

Click the link below:


Please don't forget to enter the Troop 43 Fundraising Code: TR43NY003 and the referring scout name.


Harriman State Park 10-Mile Hike 10/24/20

St Luke's Wreath Sale Oct 3, 2020


Bethpage State Park 10-mile Bike Sept 26, 2020



Welcome Back! 

2020-2021 Scout Year

Due to COVID-19, Troop 43 will not be creating a set calendar or posting trips for the year as a whole due to the frequently changing circumstances of the pandemic. 


As a result, activities will be announced on a month-to-month basis.  Troop meetings will be held outdoors on an as-scheduled basis until the inclement weather arrives.

Typically, Troop meetings are held the first three weeks of each month with the final week containing a PLC meeting for scout leadership only.


If there is a fifth week in the month, the troop will schedule an optional troop activity.


Check the Troop Monthly Newsletter and Calendar of Activities for details.



Troop 43 is chartered by

St. Luke's Parish
253 Glen Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579 




2021 by TROOP #43

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